以下整理幾組討論現象的造成原因及解決方式的參考句子,檢查看看你能在三分鐘內寫出幾個呢? 加油吧J

Task 2: Garbage Issue


Present Situation

1.   The roads scattered with all sorts of trash are a disgrace and the railway lines are littered with decaying rubbish.

2.   The dropping and grinding out of cigarette butts is a commonly-seen unhuman-like practice.

3.   One third of all waste produced is made up of packaging materials.

4.   38 percent — or a majority — of all litter dumped is made of plastic. Paper, which comes in at second place, represents 15 percent of all litter dumped.

5.   Apart from diverting money away from worthwhile activities, litter attracts vermin, causes a fire hazard, pollutes waterways and detracts from the beauty of public parks and gardens.

6.   What we are doing now is wasteful of resources and unfriendly to the environment. It ruins the environment and degrades the area concerned.

7.   Much tillable land has been used as landfills to bury the increasing rubbish, a huge amount of which is not biodegradable. That is to say, rubbish of many kinds will remain the same in the soil for a long period of time.

8.   Many incinerators have been set up to burn the appalling amount of waste. They produce a lot of poisonous gases while disposing of the waste produced by us human beings.

9.   The industrial waste is dumped into rivers without being filtered, thus contaminating the rivers and bringing great harm to the residents nearby.

10. The household waste is thrown away onto the streets and takeaway food packaging is dumped in public places.

11. Our society is nicknamed ‘a throw-away society’.

12. Disposable dishware and cutlery can be seen everywhere.

13. People show an appalling disregard for the environment. They have no respect for the environment.

14. Litter collection and disposal waste a huge amount of taxpayers’ hard-earned money.

15. The natural resources will sooner or later be exhausted.



1.   The significant increase in fast food and its aggressive marketing to a young audience is making a considerable impact on the litter stream.

2.   We lack adequate facilities to dispose of rubbish of all kinds. For instance, not many dustbins are seen along street.

3.   The quickening tempo of modern lifestyle also contributes partly to the increasing rubbish problem, because many people prefer takeaway fast food and the use of disposable items for convenience’s sake.

4.   The eye-catching improvement of living standard and the remarkable development of science and technology also contribute to the increasing rubbish problem. Many used electric appliances are discarded, thus creating e-waste.

5.   Disposable packaging and items become fashionable these days, from baby nappies to milk cartons to burger wrappers.

6.   There’s little financial incentive (which at times seems to be the only type of incentive that works) to reduce the amount of packaging.

7.   We are now living in a consumer-oriented society.



1.   Public activities should be sponsored by the government to promote the public awareness of environmental protection. Make sure that everyone is a conscious preserver.

2.   Strong anti-littering laws, backed up by hefty fines and efficiently enforced, should be complemented by an acquired cultural distaste for such bad behaviours.

3.   Food waste can be returned to organic fertilizer.

4.   Our government should adopt stronger and harsher measures to combat littering.

5.   If Coca Cola, McDonald’s, Burger King and KFC were made to pay a ‘litter tax’ for packaging found dumped in public places, it would give them more incentive to support recycling schemes. They would also be encouraged to keep their tax costs down by reducing the amount of packaging they use for their products, and make their packaging out of more environmentally-friendly materials.

6.   The litterbugs should be forced to foot the bill.

7.   Fast food outlets should be required to print environmental messages on their packaging, such as ‘please dispose of this wrapper thoughtfully’ and ‘don’t litter’ to arouse people’s awareness of environmental protection.

8.   The perpetrators should be penalized and then a community service cleanup would be imposed on them. For example, a good penalty for spitting gum would be to be made to clean the whole street of gum.

9.   We should give an on-the-spot fine for somebody caught throwing junk food wraps.

10. Minimally packaged goods should be encouraged.

11. Students should be encouraged to be volunteers to watch for people littering.

12. Incentives should be given for reusing packages and disincentives for disposable packaging.

13. Fruit and vegetables should be transported in solid indestructible creates. At the market, customers should bring their own reusable bags to carry the produce away.

14. All drinks and liquids must be reusable bottles for which a deposit is paid. All used bottles must be returned to the supplier for reuse.

15. Enforcement of anti-littering laws is an effective approach to dealing with littering.

16. All wrappers must be made of biodegradable paper. There must be disincentives on the use of plastic or cardboard for packaging or producing disposable items. No plastic cutlery or crockery.

17. New legislation should be drafted to see that this flow of waste packaging is halted.

18. Garden clippings can be recycled as fertiliser.

19. Tax the multinationals which produce disposable packaging.

20. Push a cleaner lifestyle into the minds of our citizens and law enforcement.

21. Make takeaway food outlets pay a significant tax to the local government for cleaning up their litter. Put an additional sales tax on goods depending on the amount of packaging used in their product.

22. Force retailers and manufacturers to accept all used packaging and tax them big time for the subsequent disposal.

23. Children should be educated that waste is also a resource that can be managed.

24. The rubbish should be classified scientifically so that the procedure can achieve high efficiency.

25. A disposal fee should be levied on every household and factories and government units.

26. People should buy items at the store that aren’t wrapped in extra packaging, so there will be less to throw away. We should learn to reuse other things, washing out empty jars instead of throwing them away. And, we should learn to recycle. We should set up bins around town to collect glass, paper, and aluminum that can be converted back into raw materials, then made into new products.

27. Special collection points should be set up where people can drop off used chemicals, paints, and cleansers for safe handling and proper disposal. Instead of buying environmentally harmful cleaning products, chemicals, and pesticides, one should switch to natural, safe substitutes.

28. Community programmes established to organize special waste cleanup events and support community-oriented policing have proven effective in addressing illegal dumping problems.

29. The focus of any community involvement effort should be to teach residents what can be done to prevent illegal dumping, how and why they should get involved, and who to contact for assistance or to report an incident to. In some areas, organized community groups serve as the main catalyst for information exchange and involvement among residents.


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