13. Describe a street where you like to go shopping

Where it is

What you buy there

How often you go there

Why you like go to the street for shopping


Part 3

Do you like going shopping?

Why do some people like shopping and others not like it?

Have you ever bought anything online?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of shopping online?

What do you think about online shopping?

Do people in Taiwan like to buy things on the internet?

Do you think online shopping will become more popular in the future?

Do you think online shopping will replace the current ways we buy things?

What are the difference shopping center and shopping street?

Compare big shops such as supermarkets & department stores with small shops

How do you think about 24-hour shop?


14. Describe a library

Where is the library?

Is it a campus or public one?

Which parts of the library do you like and dislike?


Part 3

Should children go to public libraries? How about the elderly?

Does the government have the responsibility to construct public libraries?

Is it important to learn how to use a library?


15. Describe a place where you have worked or studied.

Where this place was

What this place looked like

What you did there

Why you chose to study or work at this place


Part 3

Do you think people are working longer hours today than they did in the past?

What changes at the workplace have you seen happening in the last decade?

Do young people nowadays pursue the same majors as the last generation has?

Do people mostly pick a major they like or one that will help them in their career?


16. Historical place that you have visited

What place it was?

Where it is located?

What about that place interests you the most?


Part 3

Why do people go to historical places?

Which is your country’s most famous historical place?

Should people pay entrance fees to historical places?

Do you agree that people must pay to visit these historical places and museums?

Do you think TV is a good medium to learn about the history of any place?

Do you think parents should teach their children about history?

Do you think history should be taught at school?

Do you think people are keen on visiting historical places?



17. Describe your ideal house

When was it built?

Where is the housing?


Part 3

Should the government invest in maintaining the historical places?

Should government invest in creating more employment?

What kind of housing do most people in Taiwan live in?

What are the differences between the architectural styles in the different areas in Taiwan?

Should a company design its own buildings?



18. Describe a place(not in your country) that you would like to visit

You should say:

   How and when you would go there

   How you know about this place

   What the scenery is like in this place

   Who you would go with

And explain why you want to visit it


Part 3

When people go travelling (as tourists), what do they spend money on?

When people move to another country, what changes do you think take place in their lives, compared to their lives before they left home?

What do you think about children growing up abroad? Do you think children are affected by growing up abroad? How?

What are benefits of travelling to new places?

What are some of the best (or, most popular) travel destinations in china?

Which places (countries) are people in Taiwan most interested in visiting?


19.      Describe a subject you didn’t enjoy (like) in high or secondary school.

You should say:

   What the subject was

   How the teacher taught this subject

   How long you studied this subject

And explain why you didn’t like it.


Part 3

Which subject should not be taught in class?

Which subject should be taught in class?

How do teachers help students who have difficulties in studies?

What subjects are most popular in high school in your country? (why?)

How has education in your country changed in the past few years?

What are some differences between university education and high school education?

What factors do people consider when they are choosing which university they attend?


20.      Describe a successful family business you know.

What business it is

How you know it

What kinds of customers it targets on

Explain why you think it is successful


Part 3

Do you think it is easy to start a company by oneself?

Which do you think a successful company relies on more, the team or individual?

What types of people do you think are more suitable for big companies?

Will you go to work in a family business?


21.      Describe a recent event that made you feel happy

What the event was

When and where it happened

Who participated in this event

What you saw or did

Why this event was so enjoyable


Part 3

What are some things that make you happy?

Do you think artistic activities can make people happy?

Do you think people who have more talent are happier than others?

Do you think money makes people happy?

Are the things that make people happy today the same as several decades ago?

Why do people feel happy when they are with members of their family?


22.      Describe a trip you took by public transport

When and where you went

Why you took the trip

What you did and saw on the trip

How you felt about the trip


Part 3

Why do some people prefer driving their cars to taking public transport?

Is it true that driving cars means a higher status?

Should government take measures to limit cars?

Do Chinese people like to travel overseas?

How does international travel influence the economy of countries?

After someone returns from traveling overseas, what effects can they have on their home country?


23.      Describe a way to keep healthy

You should say:

What it is

How you know it

Why you think it is a good way to stay healthy.


Part 3

What physical exercises do Taiwanese people do?

How should people to deal with work pressure?

How can people enjoy a healthy lifestyle?


24.      Describe a special meal/a food

You should say:

who you would invite

where you would eat this meal

what you would eat

and explain why you would choose to eat this food.


Part 3

Do you like cooking? (Why?/Why not?)

What kinds of food do Taiwanese people like to eat?

Would you say that eating a healthy diet is important? (Why?)

Describe what you think is a healthy diet.

Are there many vegetarians in Taiwan?

Why do you think some people choose to be vegetarians?

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