

很高興與好學的大家見面囉!  第一堂文法消化吸收得如何?  來對個答案驗收自己知多少囉!   

p. 2  Sentence Compression

1.   Colonization is (likely副詞) to be rapid.   

      註: 本句雖然有 because , 但它與後面的 of  組成 "because of" , 屬 "介係詞", 因此帶出的資訊變補充囉!  

2.   If colonizers produce propagules, (then副詞) they must produce numbers unless they have an efficient means. 

      註: 本句有 if 及 unless 兩個連接詞, 因此連接 三句 喔!

3.   There were (still副詞) forests ,and  there were elephants and tigers.

      註: 原句中的 surrounding 及 roaming  就是老師說的 "分詞", 一律帶出補充資訊, 故可先略過。

4.    it made sense.

      註: 是的沒錯。到頭來最重要資訊只剩這三個字。其他都是補充型的次要資訊了。

5.   (Stingless形容詞) bees are abundant.

      註: where在這邊是 關代,   帶出補充資訊。

6.   They predicted that the colonies would show (regular) distributions, while those (of nonaggressive species) would show (random or grouped) distribution.

      註:  本句同第2題, 有兩個連接詞 that及while, 因此連出 三長句。

以上雖多為高階單字, 但老師整理出幾個字,是日常可用的。同學不妨記下囉:

  • rapid (a.) = fast
  • means (n.) = way = method
  • forest (n.) 森林
  • 片語 to make sense = 有道理
  • abundant (a.) = plentiful
  • predict (v.) = forecast
  • distribution (n.) 分配 ; distribute (v.)

單字都認識後, 是不是發現每一題的大意, 藉著看句子最重要的 "靈魂"就能輕易明瞭呢? 

p. 7  Sentence Compression

38 nouns

You may go through a period when your child favors one book and wants it read night after night. It is not unusual for children to favor a particular story, and this can be boring for parents. Keep in mind, however, that a favorite story may speak to your child's interests or emotional needs. Be patient. Continue to expose your children to a wealth of books and eventually they will be ready for more stories.

Having access to information through the printed word is an absolute necessity. Knowledge is power, and books are full of it. However reading is more than just a practical tool. Through books we can enrich our minds; we can also relax and enjoy some precious leisure moments.

With your help, as your children begin a lifelong relationship with the printed word, they can grow into adults who read easily and frequently whether for business, knowledge, or pleasure. 

22 verbs

You may go through a period when your child favors one book and wants it read night after night. It is not unusual for children to favor a particular story, and this can be boring for parents. Keep (命令句。省略主詞) in mind, however, that a favorite story may speak to your child's interests or emotional needs. Be (命令句。省略主詞) patient. Continue (命令句。省略主詞) to expose your children to a wealth of books and eventually they will be ready for more stories.

Having access to information through the printed word is an absolute necessity. Knowledge is power, and books are full of it. However reading is more than just a practical tool. Through books we can enrich our minds; we can also relax (can + relax 算一個動詞) and (can) enjoy some precious leisure moments. .

With your help, as your children begin a lifelong relationship with the printed word, they can grow into adults who read easily and frequently whether for business, knowledge, or pleasure.

15 adjectives

You may go through a period when your child favors one book and wants it read ( 被動分詞) night after night. It is not unusual for children to favor a particular story, and this can be boring ( 動分詞) for parents. Keep in mind, however, that a favorite story may speak to your child's interests or emotional needs. Be patient. Continue to expose your children to a wealth of books and eventually they will be ready for more stories.

Having access to information through the printed word is an absolute necessity. Knowledge is power, and books are full of it. However reading is more than just a practical tool. Through books we can enrich our minds; we can also relax and enjoy some precious leisure moments.

With your help, as your children begin a lifelong relationship with the printed word, they can grow into adults who read easily and frequently whether for business, knowledge, or pleasure.

5 adverbs

You may go through a period when your child favors one book and wants it read night after night. It is not unusual for children to favor a particular story, and this can be boring for parents. Keep in mind, however, that a favorite story may speak to your child's interests or emotional needs. Be patient. Continue to expose your children to a wealth of books and eventually they will be ready for more stories.

Having access to information through the printed word is an absolute necessity. Knowledge is power, and books are full of it. However reading is more than just a practical tool. Through books we can enrich our minds;  we can also relax and enjoy some precious leisure moments.

With your help, as your children begin a lifelong relationship with the printed word, they can grow into adults who read easily and frequently whether for business, knowledge, or pleasure.

Sentence Compression   [連接詞皆以紅字表示]

You may go when your child favors one book and wants it. 

It is not unusual , and this can be boring. 

Keep (in mind) that a story may speak. 

Be patient. 

Continue and they will be ready..

Having access (少數例外是Ving/To V開頭卻當主詞的。在隨後課程也會介紹。) is a necessity. 

Knowledge is power, and books are full (of it). 

Reading is more. 

We can enrich our minds; ("分號" 在文法上的用法等同句點。因此可以把兩句隔開。

we can  relax and enjoy moments.

As (as在這邊是連接詞,故連兩句) your children begin a relationship, they can grow.


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