



31) Know your onions: to be very well informed about something 對某事瞭若指掌

Ex: Don’t try to fool me. I know my onions!



32) Life is just a bowl of cherries: life is simple and enjoyable人生簡單又美好

Ex: To most children, life is just a bowl of cherries, but it becomes harder when we become adults.



33) Like peas in a pod= Like two peas in a pod: people or things that look the same 比喻人或物如出一轍

Ex: When you wear uniforms, it is like peas in a pod.



34) Like taking candy from a baby: An easy thing to do易如反掌

Ex: To a genius, taking an IQ test is like taking candy from a baby.





35) Like watching sausage getting made: something that is less pleasant as the truth comes out 比喻事情不像表面上看起來那麼美好

Ex: The couple got divorced because their marriage life was like watching sausage being made.



36) Low-hanging fruit: things achieved easily 唾手可得的

Ex: When your life is like a low-hanging fruit, you usually don’t cherish it much.



37) Make a meal: Making a meal of something means that someone is taking too much time doing something   類似中文的「生蛋」,表示很會拖時間

Ex: Come on! We have to go. What are you doing in your room? Making a meal of your outfit?

我們該走了! 你還在房間蘑菇什麼?生蛋嗎?


38) Meat and drink: Something that one enjoys and is naturally good at, although many find it difficult   易如反掌的事

Ex: Anne is so smart that speaking 10 languages is meat and drink to her.



39) Meat and potatoes person: A person who prefers plain things 崇尚簡樸的人

Ex: Matt is a meat and potatoes person. His house is pretty simple, holding only furniture that is needed.



40) Mutton dressed as lamb: Older people trying to look younger 負面評價之語,常用來說模仿年輕人打扮的較年長女人

Ex: Some people think that Madonna is mutton dressed as lamb.



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