

送上第2130組的熱騰騰成語佳餚,祝大家Bon Appetit「胃口大開」啦! 


21) Hot potato: A problem that no one wants to handle 燙手山芋

Ex: In the U.S., abortion is often considered a hot potato issue in politics.



22) How do you like them apples: (USA) Used to express surprise or shock at something that has happened. It can also be used to boast about something you have done. (美國人用法) 怎樣?意外吧? / 我不賴吧?

  Ex: Joe the bully won Best Student of the Year! How do you like them apples?



23) Icing on the cake: Something good on top of another.  畫龍點睛

Ex: To Sam, getting promoted after knowing that his wife is pregnant is like icing on the cake.



24) If you are given lemons, make lemonade: To try and make the best out of a bad situation 類似「化阻力為助力」

Ex: I know that it’s terrible that your salary got cut, but hey, if you are given lemons, make lemonade. You can try to find a part-time job to make up for that.


25) In a nutshell: = To sum up .總而言之

Ex: Ladies and gentlemen, today we are going to talk about…..In a nutshell, this is my presentation. Any questions?



26) In a pickle= In the soup: = in some trouble有麻煩

Ex: Jerry is in a pickle. He cheated in the exam and got caught.



27) In the gravy 肉汁: = to be rich and make money easily 很會賺錢

Ex: I wish I were Bill Gates. He seems to be in the gravy.



28) Jam on your face: to be caught or embarrassed  被抓個正著或很丟臉

Ex: Ed admitted to stealing the bike as he got jam on his face.



29) Keen as mustard: To be very enthusiastic  很熱衷於某事

Ex: When it comes to fiction movies, Sam appears to be keen as mustard. He is always ready to watch one.



30) Know which side one’s bread is buttered on: To know one’s own interests and protect or further them. 了解自己要甚麼

Ex: I'm sure he'll work hard towards his goals, once he knows which side his bread is buttered on.




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