2015 New TOEIC 考試心得 1
考試日期:2 / 8 / 2015
考試題本: No. 4IIC14
Written and Compiled by Holly Lin.
Reminder:考生若想得到最完整的心得內容,請別忘了連同老師其他的考試心得 2014 TOEIC考試心得1(閱讀部份)、2014 TOEIC考試心得2(閱讀部份) 一併研讀ㄛ!
PART 5 and PART 6 |
填空題中有19題單字題,其他的33題多屬於基本題,主要考:詞性變化(含:分詞)、代名詞 (這次記得的答案是所有格代名詞theirs)、動詞單複數一致性、時態、主被動、介係詞、關代、連接詞 (這次有靠到 unless) 。
1. directory 目錄 (這題是考詞性題,其他錯誤選項如director, direct…)
Ex: The directory includes lists of….
2. perishable 可腐壞的 (這題有一個錯誤選項為coincidental巧合的)
Ex: You should keep fruit and other perishable items in the refrigerator, so that they don’t go bad too soon.
3. significant巨大的
Ex: The company experienced a significant rise in sales.
4. substantial (同上)
5. final 最終的
Ex: The new plan successfully went through the final selection.
6. necessitate使重要 (這題是考詞性題)
7. proudly驕傲地
Ex: The company proudly announces….
8. praised 讚美
Ex: Most visitors praised the mountain’s diverse terrain… (這題句意或許較難理解,但套用其他三選項時可以靠刪去法找出答案)
9. designate指定
10. tentatively暫時地 = temporarily
Ex: The plan has been tentativelysuspended.
11. continuous連續的
Ex: The company thanks its customers for their continuous support.
12. productivity生產力
Ex: The managers decided to hire more personnel to increase productivity.
13. imports進口貨 (這題是考詞性題,其他錯誤選項如imported, importer…)
Ex: Imports from the company include … (後面接各類商品名稱)
14. ensure (v.)確保
Ex: The store’s competitive price and wide selection of products ensure customer satisfaction.
15. entirety 全面性
Ex: Purchasers of the machine should make sure that they have read the manual in its entirety before operating it.
16. be exempt from 豁免
Ex: Although importers of the merchandise are exempt from shipping and handling costs, related taxes will still apply. (其他錯誤選項如distinct, expected…)
17. Due largely to….,…..(這題是考詞性題,其他錯誤選項如large, larger…)
18. Of all…, SV…the most. (這題是介系詞題,其他錯誤選項如Between…)
19. ….on a Saturday night… (這題是介系詞題,其他錯誤選項如 at, in…)
20. ….there were more people than originally anticipated. (這題是考詞性題,其他錯誤選項如original, originate…)
Part 6共考4篇,單字題靠前後文意可判斷如下:
1. 有1篇是公司寄信給客戶恭喜他獲得價值$250的公司禮券:
Congratulations! You have been selected (錯誤選項如 nominated, accepted…) for our $250 company voucher. [中間內容略] The voucher is redeemable at any time, with any purchase.
2. 有1篇是介紹一位博士及他專精的領域:
Dr.某某某focuses on……. (這邊是靠介係詞on判斷答案為focus)
3. 有1篇是介紹音樂廳之類的表演等:
The theater will later have many kinds of musical events , such as ..concerts (錯誤選項如 instruments)。
PART 7:同OG共13篇 |
整體而言,推論型題目頗多,需樣考生小心推理,不能單局限於字面描述,才能選出正確答案。而要做到這點,閱讀速度就要夠快,而快的秘訣在於能spot the keywords。
1. 一間家具公司的網路頁面,上面提到某張型號的椅子無法從網路選購This chair is no longer available online.不過可能在一些分店還能買到may be in stock in some stores,所以請網路使用者點進店內資料詢問鄰近店家ask a store near you for availability of this product。
2. 一間新開的餐廳貼廣告,一開始有兩則由他人寫的簡短review (評價),推薦該餐廳。接著餐廳介紹特色,包含新鮮魚貨we provide fresh seafood delivered to us everyday from local fish markets,以及餐廳在週末有 special brunch menu,並以餐廳營業時間結尾。
有一題問到 Which of the following statements is TRUE?其中一個選項:The restaurant provides imported seafood to customers. 不能選。
3. 這是一則個人張貼賣一台二手吸塵器vacuum cleaner的廣告。提到該台已使用10年,但保養得好good maintenance,原價是275元,保固3年,現在則出價某價(忘了價格)。也提到一年前剛換某件part,半年前剛換濾網replacement filter。購買者會另外得到3個全新濾網。
有一題問到Which of the following has been replaced most recently?答案:filter
另一題Which of the following statements is TRUE?其中一個選項:The asking price for the vacuum cleaner is $275.不能選。
4. 這是公告一間小鎮一年一度的 Open House Tour即將展開。這次熱心提供自家房子讓大眾參觀的有8間,其中一些還會有refreshments and entertainment等。辦Open House Tour的目的是為了籌募能繼續支持該鎮的交響樂團 TownHouse Symphony的存在,讓樂團能繼續為該鎮帶來優美音樂等。Tickets to the tour can be purchased from two weeks prior to the tour.
有一題選項說 Tickets available are limited in number. 不能選。
5. 一間財富管理公司(好像叫TGH)廣告自己的服務,並強調該公司擁有most advanced software,可輔助他們的理財專業提供客戶最即時的財經訊息及報價等。另外,每位客戶都能得到專一的服務,因為若客戶量增加,他們會雇用更多理專,以確保每位客戶的服務品質不變If our customer base expands in the future, we will hire more consultants。
有一題問到該公司提供的服務,答案為financial planning,錯誤選項為business finance(只服務企業的)。
有一題問到Which of the following about the company is TRUE? 選項:It provides advanced computer equipment.可選。其中一個選項:Its consultants can manage as many customers as they want. 不能選。
6. 這是公司內部memo,告知As our company plans to expand, it we need more employees in the某某 position. Therefore we encourage internal employees to apply for this position, as it has always been one of the company’s goals to ensure the growth and development of its personnel.
7. 有一個calendar以表格形式紀錄某月份的行程schedule,如下(但細節及活動出現的位置不確定):
Mon |
Tues |
Wed |
Thur |
Fri |
Sat |
Sun |
Director’s meeting |
Film viewing: 19th century art |
Talk from the Curator |
Film viewing: Life in the某某 age |
Film viewing:點點點 |
Film viewing: 點點點 |
第一題為推論型主旨題,Where most likely does this calendar appear? 四選項分別為:a museum / a college or university / an exhibition center / a business place. 答案為a museum除了其他週邊線索外,關鍵字為curator。
另一題問到Which event happens on a weekly basis? 答案為film viewing
8. 這是一封email,從一個員工寄給其他員工有關某個外面開的高階主管的訓練課程。寄件者提到There is a course for executives scheduled to start on某日期。However it needs 12 people to start, and we currently only have 5 signed up for it. I think it will be a very helpful session for a supermarket manager like me, and it shall also provide you lots of insights and help on how to manage staff efficiently.接著並提到演講者的背景,是位有諸多演講及實戰經驗的老師。最後,有關費用方面,寄件者說已跟公司HR確認,所有課程費用將由公司負擔Our company has confirmed that it will cover all costs incurred in the session.
9. 這是一封notice,要告訴用路人某座橋的維修工程即將展開Bridge construction is scheduled to start on Saturday and will last for 3 weeks. The North and South bound lanes will undergo construction during off peak hours (details mentioned as follows)後面就細說南北雙向路確切關閉時間。最後提到不想受影響的用路人應該選擇別的道路Motorists who don’t want to be delayed should take alternate routes.
Holly老師特別註記:有關「道路施工」或因特殊事件(如:annual football match)導致「道路塞車」的文章在聽力Part 4裡也常出現,最後多半都會提到建議用路人改道,並成為考試問題之一。
Double Passages雙篇文章共四篇
10. 第一篇是一封信a letter,是公司某位工程主管(Mr.某某)寫給上司(Ms.某某),提出退休申請a letter to inform of his retirement,並感謝公司長期栽培,特別是最後幾個月派給該員工的research是有關solar power energy的開發等,讓他覺得收穫滿滿。最後希望能在某個時間前找好接替的人his replacement,好讓他有充分時間交接delegate his work to the new person in charge of the project。
第二篇是一封email,是兩個月後上司寫給上一封Mr.某某之部門全體人員,提到November 30th這一天會幫他辦退休派對There will be a retirement party taking place on November 30th at the Conference Room,希望大家都能參加,並事先在公司準備好的卡片上寫祝福的話write down your wishes to Mr.xxx on the card。最後提到Mr.某某的replacement,是一位Ms.某某及她的簡歷。
第一題問purpose of Mr.某某’s letter,答案為to end his career。
有一題問到Which of the following is TRUE about Mr.某某?答案為He has done a good job leading his team members.(文章中有提到)。有一個選項提到He will attend a conference on November 30th是陷阱選項,不可選。
11. 第一篇是公司廣告,提供客戶customized print work,客戶可以指定要印甚麼字及放甚麼圖片到公司的眾多商品上,並一一列出各商品種類及計價方式,包含mugs馬克杯、ball pens、pencils等等。其中特別標示pens及pencils上無法印圖片pictures。其他商品圖片也簡單教客戶如何上傳及寄給公司。最後提到為了確保客戶盡快收到商品,公司產品一律從總公司寄出To ensure expedited service, all our products are shipped from our central warehouse。
第二篇是一封invoice,列出該order的諸多細節,如訂購人資料、訂購商品及總價、送貨日delivery date:April 13th(我月份不確定)、及附註項目(本張invoice右下角用手寫出現3個字:Paid on Delivery表示貨到付款)。
其中一題推論題問到What can be inferred from the articles?答案為:The order was paid in full on April 13th。
12. 第一篇是一封email,某餐廳員工寫給同事提到送貨出問題Mistake in food delivery。主要內容為:負責送蔬果等商品到該餐廳的公司不小心把一些蔬菜送給別間餐廳(某某 Inn),一兩天內不致於影響到餐廳出菜,但接著他們要辦一場wedding banquet,就會有問題(並詳說會短缺的項目)。所幸附近有間菜市場open market有開,所以寄信者請收信者過幾天繞過去買書菜,並順道去附近的bakery取wedding cake。還有也請他到florist那拿花。
第二篇是該Open Market的簡單廣告,提到市場分類(主要分蔬菜區、手工藝品區artwork from local artists等等),最後提到市場開放時間。
其中一題問到有關Open Market何者為是?其中一選項提到It provides printed newsletter every week.是錯的,因為廣告內沒有提到任何印刷品。
另外有一題是推論題,問到收信者最有可能哪一天去菜市場On which day will 某某most likely visit the open market?答案要靠綜合兩篇的線索(第一篇提到食物可以撐一到兩天 + 第二篇提到市場營業在哪幾天),最後得出答案為Thursday。
13. 第一篇類似report,提到一個小城內有兩人(某甲是出生在該城native to the city,某乙是該城市的居民resident,擅長煮當地佳餚)。這兩位共同經營一塊專門給artists短期居住及培養靈感的地方artist recreation area,那裏環境清幽,面湖,地緣遼闊,又有當地佳餚,交通方面也有shuttle ferry往返週邊城鎮。另外也在不同季節也有不同活動或可以享受的天然景觀landscape,並一一將它們列出(例如:提到summertime有某個festival在那裏舉辦)。此外也有專業課程教導繪畫技巧等。
第二篇是一位學員的review心得感想。他提到自己來自Ireland,並大大讚賞recreation center讓他不虛此行。他學到很多learned a lot about drawing,食物也不錯,也享受了節慶活動enjoyed the festival。
有一題問到何者為是?答案是某甲was born in the某某city (這邊考native to = born in)同義字替換。
另一題考Part 7唯一一題同義字題:approach。原來的句子大致為:某甲’s unique approach and commitment to the artistic field…
* 小記: 這次做完題目後想說來統計看看閱讀100題中這選項分布頻率, 結果意外發現(B)出現頻率稍微高於其他,而(A)為標準答案的頻率最低. 不過這是趣味統計,咱們還是以培養實力及適當技巧為主囉!