2015 New TOEIC 考試心得 1
考試日期:2 / 8 / 2015
考試地點:National Taipei University
題本編號:No. 4IIC14
Written and Compiled by Holly Lin.
Reminder:考生若想得到最完整的心得內容,請別忘了連同老師之前的考試心得2014 TOEIC考試心得1(聽力部份)、2014 TOEIC考試心得2(聽力部份)一併研讀ㄛ!
提醒: Part 2只有三個選項,但答案卡上有ABCD四個選項,請考生小心別畫錯!
PART 1: |
headphones耳機、medal railing鐵欄杆、waterfall瀑布、a man paging翻頁(=turning pages)through a book、lamp shade燈罩。
Q. 三個人的背影望向眼前的大海。
Three people are standing in front of the ocean. (正確答案)
Q. 一個寬敞客廳裡,正中央有四座沙發椅,圖片中都沒有人。
The seating area is unoccupied. (正確答案)
Some plants are hanging from the ceiling. (錯誤選項)
Q. 一條無人的鐵道圖,鐵軌上方有類似天橋的設施。
There is a facility stretching over the railroad. (正確答案)
The platform is crowded. (錯誤選項)
Q. 一張倉庫外的圖,小販把草帽擺出來兜售中。
Some hats are on display outdoors. (正確答案)
PART 2: 多數題目可遵循“不選題目中有重複的字”之原則 |
1. 本次考試共有3題直述句statements。如:
Q: I missed the 10:30 train. A: There’s another one at 11. |
Q: It’s too bad we didn’t get the window seat. A: It’s not that bad here. |
Q: I don’t seem to find my receipt. A: Maybe it’s somewhere in your drawer? (確切地點不記得了) |
2. 多數題目以Wh-開頭,是考生聽到開頭往往可選出答案。其中比較深刻的一題為詢問人的:
Q: Who did you just talk to on the phone? A: He didn’t say his name. |
3. 其他類型含:
1) A or B (二擇一)問題有3-4題。雖不難,但問題長度較長,需考生耐心聽完。
2) Yes/No questions及Question tag (反問句)
3) 問目的或原因: Why…? What is the purpose of…?
4) 提議型:Why not / How about…
PART 3及4同 OG,大部分題組的第一題都是問main idea類的問題,後兩題才是問細節。
PART 3 (以下不依出題順序列出) |
1. 對話中的man是job applicant,他打電話給 woman,詢問有關上次面試結果。Woman說因為有scheduling conflict,導致一些應試者尚未接受面試,所以還無法如預期公布結果。Man表達自己真的對工作很有興趣,所以進一步詢問大概何時會知道結果。Woman回說最晚下週。
Q. Why hasn’t the man received results?
A. Because of scheduling conflict
Q. When will the company contact the man?
A. Next week
2. 對話中的man剛在新城市(好像是Detroit底特律)找到工作,想要在正式工作前趕緊租房子,所以打電話給woman(可推身分是:real estate agent之類的)詢問。他並且說週二會去該城市一趟跟新同事聚一聚,所以問說那天能否看房。Woman說她先詢問一下他們經理當天是否有空再跟man說。
Q. What is the talk mainly about?
A. Apartment rental
Q. What will the man do on Tuesday?
A. Meet with colleagues
Q. What will the woman ask for?
A. Manager’s availability
3. Man 問 woman是不是有一台車想賣,並進一步問賣車原因,是因為車子有甚麼問題嗎(因為他印象中該台車行是很reliable的)?Woman說車子的確很好開,沒問題,只是對她來說太大台,她想換台小車。Man說他有興趣跟她買,woman很高興,但也建議他應該先試開test drive看看。
Q. What does the woman suggest the man?
A. He should test drive first.
4. Man打給woman表明他是她們客戶,上週不小心訂某工廠產品時 accidentally ordered more than needed訂過多,問她能否改訂單。Woman說很抱歉,貨已送出,只能請man在收到商品後再寄回給她OK, ship them back to us.。Man就問說這樣費用怎麼算,woman說:「Normally, we do charge a processing fee for returned items, but since you are a longtime customer of ours, I will happily reimburse you without charging any processing fee.」
Q. What will the woman do?
A. waive a fee
5. Man問他同事說去年的員工訓練教材training materials是否可借他,他過幾天要用。Woman說資料是在,不過尚未修訂nor revised yet。Man說沒關係,他再來修正I will work on that,聊勝於無,畢竟用現有資料比從零開始好It’s better than to start from scratch。
Q. What does the man ask from the woman?
A. Training materials
6. 對話內容忘記,但其中有提到會去詢問cousin(堂或表兄弟姊妹)的意見,而問題問到:Who will the woman talk to? 答案為: A relative
PART 4 (以下不依出題順序列出) |
1. Speaker在演講中提到感謝各corporate donors對他們藝術廳的長期熱情贊助,讓他們得以持續經營發展,製作好音樂及shows,最後邀請大家take a tour看看過去一年來該廳的作品集
Q. Who does the talk honor?
A. Corporate donors
Q. What will happen after the talk?
A. A tour will be given.
2. Speaker是 radio show host。他剛播放完幾首由Barbara這位個手所唱的歌,並宣布接下來要再播一首Barbara膾炙人口的歌,並邀請聽眾打電話進來告訴他歌名。第一位猜對的人可獲得Barbara演唱會的票First caller to guess it right will get free tickets to her concert.
Q. Who is Barbara?
A. A singer
Q. What will the winner get?
A. Free tickets
3. Man打電話給一間家具公司留言說他需要訂他們的家具(好像是桌子?)要放他辦公室。他說很認同他們選用的材質是不危害地球的,不過網站上的桌子size不適合他的office,所以留言問能否客製化。
Q. Why does the speaker like the company’s products?
A. They are environmentally friendly.
Q. Where does he need the product?
A. His office
Q. What does the speaker say is not available about the product mentioned?
A. Its size
4. Speaker介紹一位博士(Dr.某某)主要研究兒童飲食習慣,最近並出一本書published a book,發現兒童小時後的飲食習慣也會影響他們長大後children’s eating habits keep affecting them as adults。[這篇有點恍神,印想較模糊]
Q. What does Dr.某某 specialize in?
A. Children nutrition (不確定答案)
5. Speaker是公司的老闆之類的。他跟 audience(推是公司主管們)宣布最近有新的計畫new company program,主要是表揚公司內部優修員工,並告知主管若有想提名的員工,可以到公司網站下載提名單。
Q. What is the talk mainly about?
A. A new company program
Q. Who will be rewarded?
A. Those who have done more than expected
Q. What can be found on the company’s website?
A. A nomination form