Mock exam


(final score: 6 points)

E = Examiner ; C = Candidate

E:   Hello, my name is Mark. Can you tell me your full name, please?


C: My name is Zhao Yi.

E:   Aha, and what can I call you?


C: You can call me Laura.

E:   OK. Can I see your identification, please?


C: Yes, of course.

E:   OK, thank you very much. Fine. Now, in the first part, I’d like to ask you a few more questions about yourself. Let’s talk about your work. Where do you work?


C: Now, I’m working at a software company In Shanghai. And I’m a director in charge of marketing and sales.

E:   Aha, have you always had that job?


C: No. After I graduated from the college, I was a teacher and taught the courses in the college for about three years. Then I transferred my (went to) work to (for) this company.

E:   And can you describe a typical working day for you?


C: As you may know, as (for) a director of marketing, the day is not very regular and so ... but some things (I have to do in my working days) is (are) typical. For example, in (the) morning, I have to preside a meeting and collect the information (hear) from my sales person (people), and after that I will … I will (may) make (have) some appointments with the very important customers. Maybe (Sometimes), I can get (have) a lunch with them. After that I will (usually) write a report and report (discuss it) to (with) my boss. In the afternoon, I usually put (enter) the data and figures into my computer. Then, I will get some information from the computer (may go through my files). After that, I will figures (figure) out some conclusion(s) from the data and decide the next step.

E:   How do you feel about your job? Do you like it or do you enjoy it?


C: Yes, I like my job. I enjoy my job. It’s a challenge for me, and I can get a decent salary. Another thing is (that) it provide(s) me so many chance(s) to contact with some interesting and decent person (people) so that I can get (a) much deeper insight into this human society and I can manage to cope with more complex situations.

E:   So you like your job.


C: Yes.

E:   And have you always felt that way about it?


C: Maybe, sometimes, I’m under the stress because, you know, sales ... the marketing is (a) challenge often, and sometimes you will suffer from the defeat and (of) failure. That’s very sad.

E:   Well, let’s change the subject and talk about your personal habits. What is your favorite food?


C: My favorite food is Chinese dumplings. They are delicious.

E:   Aha, and, what is the most important meal of the day for you?


C: Sometimes, traditional food. Sometimes fast-food. I don’t think food is very important in my life. And so I just eat them (it) to get enough energy.


E:   What about TV? Do you watch a lot of TV?


C: No, as a director of sales and marketing I haven’t enough time to watch TV. Another thing is that I don’t think TV play (plays an) important role in my life, because I can get information from other channels.

E:   Has it always been that way …


C: Yes.

E:   … that you didn’t watch much TV?


C: Yes (No).


E:   How much exercise do you do?


C: Usually, I do some jog (jogging) and mountain climbing in my holidays, and at (the) weekend I do some exercise (sports) such as table-tennis and volleyball.

(此處,考生還是誤解了考官的問題。實際上,他回答的是What exercise do you do?這一問題,而沒有針對How much exercise do you do? 做出恰當的反應。)

E:   Now, Let’s move on. I’m going to give you a topic to talk about. I would like you to talk about this topic for one or two minutes. You will have one minute to think about what you are to say. You can take notes if you like. Do you understand?


C: I understand.

E:   Now, here is a paper and pencil for taking notes and here is your topic. Remember you have one or two minutes to do your presentation, so don’t worry if I stop you. Go ahead.



Talk about your early school days.

You should mention:

how you felt being at school

the thing you enjoyed most

what, if anything, you dislike about school

and discuss whether you would want your children to

have the same experience.


E:   OK. You can start speaking now, please.

C: OK. I think my school life is (was) exciting. And ... I feel when I was in school ... at school, I’m relaxed ... I was relaxed and I had a lot of entertainment (fun). The ... thing I most enjoyed in my school is (was) that I have (had) enough time to develop my potential and I have (had) enough time to make friends with other persons. You know the college is the reflection of society, so you can develop your internatio ... interpersonal skills and lay the foundation of you future career. Something I don’t (didn’t) like ... something that is (was) not very good in my life, is (was) not very good in life ... in my school life is (was) that I was forced to follow the teacher’s thoughts. So sometimes I didn’t have enough space to develop my self (own) thoughts. But I think school life is very important for everybody and if I have children I will send them and let them to experience (have) the same experience because school can discipline them and give them a lot of foundational (basic) knowledge. Another thing is that he or she can make friends with other students …

E:   So, you would want your children to have the same experience at school as you had.


C: I can’t confirm it because I don’t know which school he ... I ... she will be send (sent) to.


E:   Well, we have been talking about schools and I’d like to discuss with you some general questions related to this topic. How has education in you country changed in your lifetime?


C: I think there (has been) a great change in the educational system during these years. Before that, about ten or twenty years ago, when I was in my primary school, the equipment of the school is (was) not very good, was obsolete, but during these years the government invested a lot of money in this term (area), so now, college and primary school and middle school has … have a lot of advanced equipment and the teachers and the lecturers are trained to be more skilled than before. Though (But), I think ... another thing is that our country and people have realized that education is the most important thing in the country.

E:   I see, and would you like to see education changed or be improved in the future?


C: Yes, I think so.

E:   What kind of changes do you think are necessary?


C: I think in the future the school(s) will encourage people ... will encourage the student(s) (to be) more creative than before and they don’t like ... they can (will) improve the facilities and improve the teaching quality (of instruction). Another thing …

E:   In what way do you think the teaching quality should be improved?


C: The first thing is (to) continue to invest more money in this term (area) and give the student(s) (a) more comfortable studying environment. Another thing is (to) improve the quality of the teachers and lecturers. For example, we should send them to outseas (overseas) and to learn more modem (advanced) skills and (so that they can) then come back to teach their students. Another thing is (that) we should break the rule certain pattern(s) and create many ways to teach ... teach the students and let them make decisions themselves in some courses, so student(s) will be more creative than before.

E:   In your opinion should education be free, or should people pay for it?


C: I don’t think education should be free because everyone know(s) education is (does) not only benefit the country but also benefit himself (the individual). So, if you want to get something, you should pay for it. And another thing is (that) if the people pay for the (their) education, this will be helpful to encou ... improve the education quality (of education) and … because, you know, with (a) limited budget the government can’t invest so man ... so much money in this term (area), so if personal and the individual can invest in this term (area) and ... it will greatly improve the educational …

(考生的回答比較含混,尤其是考生混用了「投資」(invest)和「收費」(pay for)兩個不同的概念。)

E:   Well, business schools are becoming more and more popular all over the world. Do you think this is a good or bad thing?


C: I think (it) is a good thing.


E:   Do you think things will change? Do you think the emphasis on business will remain in the future?


C: I think so. It will remain in the future because business is always a (an) important thing and through business we can exchange our information, our goods and exchange our culture and thoughts. So, it’s (a) very important thing and you one can get a lot of foundational basic theory ...


E:   I don’t need to ask you any more questions. That is the end of your interview.


C:    Thank you very much. Bye.


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