
你 / 妳也來試試吧,娛樂自己兼學習英文,kill two birds with one stone囉…




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 Personality Quiz :


Are you a winner in love? Let’s find out! 


 Source: Internet. Translated by Holly 



Imagine yourself on a night trip with friends. Suddenly, someone screams: “A ghost!”

What do you think it was?


  1.  A female ghost dressed in white follows two baby ghosts
  2.  A male ghost without its head emerges from the ground.
  3.  The ghost of a female hung-to-death is dressed in red, with her tongue hanging out.
  4.  A faceless old woman slowly moves forward using her walking cane.




My answer is: _______________________







A. 跟著兩個嬰靈小鬼的白衣女鬼


B. 地面冒出的無頭男鬼


C. 身穿紅衣被吊死的吐舌頭女鬼


D. 拄著拐杖慢慢前進沒有五官的老婆婆



Analysis of the Personality Quiz:


  1. Your winner score: 75 points. You are a devoted and submissive person, who can thus win over others’ hearts. You may be strong and authoritative in the outside world, but once you are with your lover, you become fully devoted and considerate, which warms his/her heart.
  2. Your winner score: 50 points. There is always a “third party” involved in your love life. A personality type like yours is too smart and eager to control all, believing that your other half should also be compliant to you. This strong attitude can easily result in the involvement of a “third party”.
  3. Your winner score: 20 points. You somewhat lack confidence and are more passive, accepting a life without love, lacking the desire to pursue it. Therefore this passive attitude greatly reduces your chance of winning.
  4. Your winner score: 95 points. Being active and strong-minded, you believe in seizing your happiness, and therefore can often create win-win situations in love.



同學注意:由於中英語法結構迥異, 以下內容與英文僅大意相同,請勿逐字對照譯! 











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