目前分類:留學考秘技 (90)
- Mar 30 Wed 2016 06:20
TOEFL Listening Files
- Feb 26 Fri 2016 02:06
GRE 3 Homework
- Feb 18 Thu 2016 16:22
TOEFL 經典加試題 [閱讀篇-4]
The different ways birds acquire their songs have proved to be rich subjects for scientific investigation. The songs that have proved most useful in these studies are those that exhibit intermediate complexity. For example, the European chaffinch produces a 2-to 2.5-second burst of sound consisting of several sequences of repeated notes of different types. Individual chaffinches sing several variants of the song-all clearly recognizable as belonging to that species but differing in detail. Neighboring male chaffinches often have several songs in common, but each bird usually has its own individual mix of songs.
- Feb 15 Mon 2016 18:34
TOEFL 經典加試題 [閱讀篇-3]
The Impact of the Electric Telegraph
The advent of the electric telegraph-a device that sends electrical signals over wires-in the 1840s was as much a political as a technological milestone. The telegraph inaugurated a new phase in the history of communications, the rise of modern technological networks, and precipitated divergent national decisions about the role of the state that outlasted the telegraph itself. The new networks promised faster connections of people and places, of markets, armies, and governments-a change that was already in progress because of improvements in transportation. Steam power had only recently begun to accelerate movement on the oceans, rivers, and rails when the ”lightning” of the telegraph decoupled communication from transportation altogether. But many obstacles stood in the way of stretching the new iron cords across continents. Different jurisdictions and systems had conflicting policies and standards that needed to be reconciled, and the new networks required large capital investments as well as innovations in engineering and management. As in other formative periods, new technologies posed new choices. Would state security, commercial, or other interests guide the development of the new networks? What form of organization would they take? What sources would provide the capital and assume the risks?
- Feb 14 Sun 2016 20:00
TOEFL 經典加試題 [閱讀篇-2]
Observing Natural Selection
Witnessing natural selection would not have seemed possible to Darwin because he assumed natural selection was too slow and gradual for our short-term minds to perceive. Yet later biologists have been able to witness flashes of evolutionary change. In the late 1980s, for example, biologist David Reznick began to use the guppies that swim in the streams of Trinidad forests in natural experiment. At lower elevations these guppies face the assault of predatory fishes, but the ones in higher waters live in peace because few of the predators can move upstream past the waterfalls and craggy rocks.
- Feb 13 Sat 2016 12:12
TOEFL 經典加試題 [閱讀篇-1]
有時考生們會發現閱讀部分除了基本的三篇外,還會多兩篇,使整個閱讀時間從60 minutes延長為100 minutes。多的這一組便稱為「加試題」,其分數的比重遠不如基本的三篇(甚至坊間也有說法認為這不計分),但由於考的多選自以下文章,同學正式考之前不妨上來花幾分鐘了解一下。
- Feb 11 Thu 2016 03:42
TOEFL / IELTS 常見同義字名單A to Z
- Feb 03 Wed 2016 00:37
GRE 2 Homework
- Jan 27 Wed 2016 23:04
GRE 1 Homework
Come do the right practice and nail the test!
- Jan 25 Mon 2016 02:50
TOEFL經典加試題 [聽力篇]
- Jan 01 Fri 2016 02:41
IELTS Listening Class 1
- Dec 25 Fri 2015 23:52
TOEFL Speaking Class 6 Homework
- Dec 25 Fri 2015 06:43
TOEFL Speaking Class 4 Homework
- Dec 25 Fri 2015 06:42
TOEFL Speaking Class 3 Homework
- Dec 06 Sun 2015 06:02
TOEFL Speaking Class 6
- Dec 05 Sat 2015 05:47
TOEFL Speaking Class 5
- Dec 04 Fri 2015 05:26
TOEFL Speaking Class 4
- Dec 03 Thu 2015 05:16
TOEFL Speaking Class 3
- Dec 02 Wed 2015 05:09
TOEFL Speaking Class 2
- Dec 01 Tue 2015 04:36
TOEFL Speaking Class 1