
Holly的眾多興趣之一就是看電影了!特別是燈光音樂特效等普遍具一定水準,又可以讓我盡情沉浸在英文世界的好萊塢片子。而好東西是一定要和好朋友分享的,所以一向追求雙贏宗旨的我就在這邊和大家分享片中值得學習的單字、句子、或慣用法囉!Ready, and Action! (←這是導演在開拍前常用的句子)

Watching movies, especially Hollywood movies, which have commonly been known for their great lighting effects, sound effects and special effects, has always been one of my biggest hobbies. In addition, Hollywood movies provide me a chance to emerge in an English speaking world, which is why, as a believer of win-win situations, I would like to share with you all useful vocabulary, sentences, and common usage from the films! So here we go: Ready, and Action!



Movie Name電影名稱:FROZEN 冰雪奇緣

Movie Type電影類型:Animation動畫 / Adventure冒險 / Comedy喜劇

Production Company製作公司:Walt Disney 迪士尼

Suitable Audience適合觀賞年齡層:All ages 所有年齡


Movie Plot 電影劇情:

As a princess struggles to learn how to control her power to freeze things around her, she also discovers beautiful values, such as true love and the importance of kinship. 在一位公主掙扎著學習控制能冰凍週遭之物的能力之同時,她也發現了真愛親情的重要性。


Holly’s comment評論:

As usual, Disney portrays humanity from a warm and humorous perspective. However, unlike animated movies in the past, “Frozen” focuses on the relationship between siblings (instead of romance), and also empowers the role of women rather than that of men. Overall, I give it two thumbs up!



Vocabulary List:


等級A. Basic English


1. 單字Great Vocabulary

  • to have courage 有勇氣
  • ballroom (n.) 舞廳 / ball (n.) 舞會

  Ex: 片中小公主看著宮廷內冷清的宴會廳時感嘆地說

Why have a ballroom with no balls?


  • ceremony (n.) 典禮
  • a crook (n.) 騙子的俗稱
  • to pick one's nose 挖鼻孔
  • sled (n.) 雪橇
  • reindeer (n.) 麋鹿
  • to volunteer (v.) 自願做某事
  • to put an end to something = to end something
  • to be capable of + n./ving 有做某事的能力
  • hand in hand 牽手/攜手
  • to distract (v.) 使分散注意力
  • to insist (v.) 堅持某件事
  • to be on guard 警戒中


2. 句子 Good Sentences

  • Its for the best. 這樣做 對大家最好。
  • Fear is your worst enemy. 恐懼是妳最大的敵人
  • Watch your step. 小心喔 (用在提醒人家注意看路時)
  • She didn't mean it. 她不是故意的(用在替人說話或緩頰時)
  • Let's call it a night. 今天就到此為止吧
  • I'm not buying it. = I'm not convinced.我不相信


  • She left me in charge. 她把事情交付給我管理
  • Take it easy. = Relax.
  • We were so close. 我們當時好親近呢


To be continued…



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